Preparing Future Leaders for Social Justice : Bridging Theory and Practice through a Transformative Andragogy
UNITED STATES, 2018, Format: Hardback,

Preparing Future Leaders for Social Justice : Bridging Theory and Practice through a Transformative Andragogy
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£ 2.00 £ 20.77 £ 41.15

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In today's Western school systems, white, straight, middle-class and physically-able students reach higher achievements, drop out less, and have a greater chance of learning in higher education institutions than their counterparts who do not possess these characteristics. While many agree that theory, research and practice should be intertwined to support the type of schooling (and society) that values rather than marginalizes, few scholars offer ground-breaking, pragmatic approaches to developing truly transformative leaders. The purpose of this book is to offer a practical, process-oriented model aimed at helping educational leaders to perceive social, political, and economic contradictions and then to take action against the oppressive elements of reality.

To this end, this book utilizes transformative andragogy, which leads to a new way of seeing and a new way of being. It is the art and science of helping others to think critically and act responsibly, to examine beliefs, to accept, reject or modify values, and to engage in activism and advocacy with and for others. Therefore, this book is of great value to those who wish to prepare tomorrow's school leaders for their role as promoters of social justice and excellence.

Label NameCatalogue No
Bridging Theory and Practice 
Barcode : 9781475845044


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