Public Management Reform in the Gulf Cooperation Council and Beyond
UNITED KINGDOM, 2023, Format: Hardback,

Public Management Reform in the Gulf Cooperation Council and Beyond
Poor Very Good Mint
£ 1.94 £ 32.34 £ 64.67

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Offers an understanding of the current state of public management in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, highlighting the region's institutional and human capital constraints. Contrasts the performance of GCC states with other MENA and OECD member countries in key governance, public sector performance, and business competitiveness indicators, identifying ways GCC states can enhance the quality of government and the capacity to deliver services more efficiently. Utilizes several theoretical frameworks to explore three themes: first, how to promote a business-friendly environment for the private sector; second, how public-private partnerships can foster collaboration between the public and private sectors; and third, how human capital constraints may be addressed through the use of talent management, knowledge management, and training programs.

Label NameCatalogue No
Public Administration and Public Policy 
Barcode : 9781032213071


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