Savage Gods : A crisis of words
UNITED KINGDOM, 2019, Format: Hardback,

Savage Gods : A crisis of words
Poor Very Good Mint
£ 0.70 £ 7.28 £ 14.42

Estimate financial value based on media condition

After moving with his wife and children to a smallholding in Ireland, Paul Kingsnorth expected to find contentment. It was the goal he had sought - to nest and to find home - after years of rootlessness as an environmental activist and author. Instead he found that his tools as a writer were failing him, calling into question his foundational beliefs about language and setting him at odds with himself.

Informed by his travels across the world, the writings of D H Lawrence and Annie Dillard, and the day-today travails of farming his own land, Savage Gods asks: what does it mean to belong? What sacrifices must be made in order to truly inhabit a life? And can words ever paint the truth of the world - or are they part of the great lie which is killing it?

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Field Notes 
Barcode : 9781908213723


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