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This is the second of three books covering Learning for Life and Work at Key Stage 3. Each of the books covers all three areas of learning (Personal Development, Citizenship and Employability) and there is a progression through Years 8, 9 and 10 allowing pupils to gradually explore issues in more depth and complexity during their school years. An additional resource CD is available to accompany each text and follows exactly the content of each numbered lesson.
There is a pupil worksheet for every lesson with additional activities, photographs for projection, quizzes etc. These resources are written with Northern Ireland pupils in mind. Contents:PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTSELF AWARENESSPersonal responsibilityKnowing right from wrongPressures and influencesTargets and goalsCoping with schoolPERSONAL HEALTHAspects of healthBody mattersMoods and emotionsAddictionIllegal drugsCoping in an emergencySafe at all times?RELATIONSHIPSPeer group problemsDifficulties in family lifeGetting on with other peopleDating relationships CITIZENSHIPDIVERSITY AND INCLUSIONCustoms and festivalsBelonging to a groupDealing with conflictHUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYHuman rightsFocus on the UDHRWhere rights are deniedEQUALITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICEEqual rightsLiving in povertyFocus on Stand by MeFocus on TIDY Northern IrelandDEMOCRACY AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATIONLiving in a democracyYoung people and the lawCommunity actionConservation matters EMPLOYABILITYWORK IN THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL COMMUNITYThe global economyDifferent jobs for different peopleEnvironmental issuesCAREER MANAGEMENTSkills and achievementsChanging careersWhat does an employer look forCareer opportunitiesENTER PRISE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPSkills for an 'Entrepreneur'Being your own bossCelebrity entrepreneurs
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